Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ground to cover

First order of business:

I want to be the bigger person and apologize to Leon and Agnes. I am sorry for not attending your ROM. I know that these are just words and it probably doesn’t mean much. If only you guys could read what my heart is and has been saying. I’m disappointed with myself and there’s nothing I can do to turn back the hands of time. That really hurts so bad. I had a shitty day at work on Friday and Saturday morning wasn’t any better. I’ve said this over and over again to friends and some close colleagues. This job is taking too much away from me and from the 16th of July, I’ll start making amends. Missing your ROM is the icing on the fucking cake. I hope that someday you guys and the family will be able to forget and forgive. I love you guys and I wish you both the very best.

This was noel's apology for not attending our ROM.

I have more or less gotten over it,although I must admit I was pretty pissed with everyone that day. It was my special day and seems like my family was hell bent on ruining it for me. Ironically the only people that came out smelling roses that day were Leo and Lynn.

I guess what I needed was not an apology but an explaination but none seems forthcoming. It has been over a week and no one has even bothered to explain.

But the thing that really took the cake was THERE WAS NO VIDEOGRAPHER! A wedding comes only once in a lifetime. And that moment has come and gone for me, and I do not have a proper video record of it. Sure Leo and Yew Kwang took videos of the ceremony, but that does not in anyway discount the fact there was no one there doing a proper video of the solemnisation. The thing was that it seems that everyone knew about the video guy being anable to make it, but no one even bothered to mention it to the bride and groom! I only got to find out about it mere minutes before the ceremony was to commence! needless to say Agnes and myself were fuming mad. It really spoilt everything for us. Someone promised us something and failed to deliver. No one has even bothered to apologise for it or even mentioned it since then.

Like I told some people,"With family like this, who needs enemies?"


We be going to Malacca on Friday. it is gonna be a welcome break for Agnes and myself. We have had little time for ourselves in recent months, what with all the wedding and flat stuff. Agnes has been busy with her school stuff as well.
So the malacca trip will be a welcome respite for us from everything. We will be back on Sunday. So I do hope that it will be time well spent. Malacca being malacca, is not exactly the most cosmopolitan state in Malaysia, so we should be able to squeeze in quality time. Sure we will do shopping and sightseeing, but I am sure we will also find time to just enjoy one anothers company and our life together.


Got my hands on the solemnisation pictures from yenling. leo also sent me a batch of the stills he took. I have alaready edited YL pictures, have yet to upload them though. Then I have to get to work on Leo's pictures.Problem is he sent them to me via email, so it is gonna be a drag to save those pictures to my hard drive one by one by bloody one, and then get around to editting them.


Sent Sunny for his servicing. Once more he came through unscath. considering his history for defects and malfunctions, it is a wonder he is always getting a clean bill of health each time he goes in. But it also saves me a bundle not having to overhaul or replace any major parts each time Sunny gets serviced.


Speaking of Sunny,
Agnes did mention the other day that it may not be feasible to maintain a car next time when we are living together. An abrupt about turn to all those times when she was against me scrapping or upgrading. I guess she did not realise how much of an expense upkeeping car is on the wallet. Road taxes,inspections,serving,insurance, petrol, parking etc...
But Sunny still has some legs in him and I will probably look to keep him around as long as pssible. he is still an integral part of our lives, and will only be rid of him if it became surplus to requirements or if we were financially strapped to be unable to maintain Sunny any longer.


We are planning to open a joint account soon, agnes and me. Not that I am against it, but it is the logistics that gets me. Most banks work on office hours, so we will probably have to take time off or leave to get it done. Then there is the issue of what bank to choose to entrust our hard earned funds. Normally I would go for the DBS/POSB monolith, but I think one of the smaller more personable banks should be better able to manage our monies. OCBC,OUB...


Then there is the issue of taking up a renovation and furnishing loan. Anyone who knows me knows that I dun buy anything on installments or loan. I would normally pay cold hard cash upfront for goods and services. But in the case of our new home, I am leaning towards getting a loan from RHB and maybe even a furnishing loan. It would be less painful in my view to pay for it on an installment basis rather than utillising our hard earn savings in a one off. A couple with just a few thousand in their saving accounts is not exactly a secure position to be in. But that is just my point of view.


3 things I want to do:

**Take Holy Communion everyday**
It was constituted to be something that all believers do to remember the Lord's flesh and blood sacrifice, but somehow it has become a mere ritual and many believers are implored to search their soul's for sin. When in fact the opposite is true. The blood justifies the beleiver and the flesh heals us of all our lack.
I intend to live long and be healthy,secure in my place in God's love. And the Lord's Supper is key to realising divine health,grace and favour.

** Tithe regularly **
Much like the previous item, it is something that has been miscontrued by the modern church. Tithing gets a bad rap because of the aggressive tactics used by some churches to fund their operations and projects. But tithing is actually giving back to God a part of what is already his. In actual fact all we possess belongs to God, but out of the whole we only give a tenth or 'the first fruits of our harvest'. And then the other 90% is blessed. In that it means that the 90% we have left goes further and accomplishes much more than what the 100% would have done. Even better news is that the 90% also multiplies and prospers. Meaning that whatever we spend it on or choose to invest our money on can and will prosper and multiply back in a bountiful harvest.

** Read the Bible more**
It is something that I ought to do more of. I used to do much better at this in the pre IT days. but with the advent of the internet I suffer from data overload. But the problem is that much of the information I receive each day is rubbish and not really as applicable as I have been lead to believe. I think there is no way that I can be a good husband to my wife without a strong foundation in the Word.


Looks like my business plans will be put on the backburner for the time being until all the various distractions that we have been burdened with have been resolved. The school work, the flat mainly.


I am just hopeless at doing more than one thing well at any one time.


Things to buy:

- a new all-in-one printer.My current HP one is buggered. so I cant print anything. so i have to resort to printing documents at the office or getting agnes to print it over at her end.

- probably may more tha just the above,but my mind is a blank as i am writing this.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that day was ruined! Suppose to be a happy day and I was FUMING MAD! First day into the Boyd family and I have received such a "BIG" welcome. How do they expect me to respect them in future? I still havent called ur parents " mum and dad". How to call? Think I will continue with Auntie and uncle..dun care lah...Think I have complained too better dun do it here.. But I am still PISSED OFF...

U mean i said to scrap sunny ah? I dun remember saying it leh? Hmm.....

YAyyyy!! Tml go Malacca!!! Yayyy!!! Can go eat hotel breakfast!! Yum Yum!!!

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but to me,as i have said before, we can be angry and hold a grudge to those that wronged us. but what will we have gained. the ones that suffer is not the ones that hurt us, but we ourselves. so i do hope that all of us can put this episode behind us and move on.

you did say keeping a car very expensive and next time no need for it.

me oso looking fwd to our trip. our unofficial honeymoon. hope it be better than our KL trip last year, where u were unwell.

8:26 PM  
Blogger H. said...

hello again you two.

i just visited ur couple blog but i cant seem to leave a comment. so guess i'll post it here.

the newly Mr and Mrs B!!

leon, you look super handsome la! so dashing..

agnes, no more mickey mouse tee! haha. veryvery pretty, smiling coyly all.. heh.

congratulations to you both!!

i'm sorry to hear your ceremony didn't go as smoothly as u expected.. let't not forget it was still a big day for you both.


6:56 PM  
Blogger H. said...

oh! about the banking issue..

some banks actually operate 7 days a week. opens 10-8 daily. but not the local banks la.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks!!! How are you at your workplace? Didnt see u online for sometime. Guess u must be busy working. Ya, that day didnt go that smoothly cos of some irresposible people. I'm still waiting for an explanation. Wonder if it will ever come. haiz....Some pple are just so funny!! I so funny too!! hahaha........

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


and who the hell is rodrigo?:O

12:00 AM  
Blogger H. said...

hahahha!! wat language is that? spanish rite? i recognise "quando".. hahahahah!

and agnes,
i don't mean to be kaypoh (actually i do a bit la..) but but.. what happened that made u sooo mad on ur happy day?

i'm guessing the camera issue.

11:22 PM  
Blogger H. said...

aack. forget i asked.

dowan you to pek cek all over again.


CONGRATS newly added Mrs B. hehe.

11:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*slap forehead*

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hida! not convenient to say here lah. i tell u moe when we chat on msn.......

anyway, thanks for ur wishes...

1:56 PM  

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