Friday, July 06, 2007

to Malacca and back

We came back on Sunday from malacca. I must say I rather enjoyed this trip more than most of our previous trips. I guess since we are now officially married now, it is a monkey off our shoulders to be able to go overseas together and have a good time without anyone having anything to say about the matter. Malacca is not too far away from Singapore, so the drive was somewhat more pleasant than our previous Kl trip et al. Malacca is also a small town with lots to see and eat in a small area, so that made sightseeing,shopping and eating less tedious than it would have been otherwise. Also since it was the off-peak period, places were less crowded and traffic in the town area was smooth.
Most importantly of all, Agnes and myself managed to enjoy one another's company. A rare treat in itself. On most trips we have had there have been issues like lack of time, tiredness, parental pressure and such which made the trip rather a chore. We somehow managed to do many of the things we wanted to and still find time to cuddle up and watch TV.
On the other hand there are still some stuff we did not find the time to do. We wanted to try the dim sum, chendol, visit some of the places out of the city centre which we will probably do the next time we are there. I do not think this is the last time we will go to a long shot.


We have yet to set up our so-called joint account together. Not sure when we be able to do that since Agnes has only seemed to have gotten busier since then. In fact the plan now is to meet up on weekdays and then to let her do her work on weekends. Or so she says...


still no explaination!!


anxiously awaiting news about our flat. So far HDB has not said anything but I would figure that I would be getting a call from them in the near future.

We really need our own place...and soon...


On 1st July GST increased from 5% to 7%.

Prior to that date many went on a spending spree hoping to beat the price increases. Seems like after 1st July many retail outlets are having post-GST sales. So those that did not dive in head first are the ones having the last laugh.


What would compel a man or a woman to conspire to murder their spouse?
I guess it is just something that is just beyond me to comprehend. It would be one thing if the mentioned spouse was a dirtbag or did something awful deserving of death. not that anything I can think of would ever justify murder.
But the point is how can someone just kill his or her spouse, someone whom they have loved enough to actually marry and vowed to 'love and protect, sickness and in health... til death do us part...'.

We read and see so many instances of this especially in recent times. It is just heartbreaking how people can just cast aside all their emotional attachment to a person and just go about ending that person's life. Seems so senseless. Makes no sense.

What more of those that find it within themselves to murder their own flesh and blood, namely their own children?

Or suicide? How does that ever solve anything? It is bad enough when one sees little value in the lives of the people around him. It is just as bad when a a person sees little value in themselves. Maybe that is the root of the problem...

How can we see the value in others, how can we love our neighbours, when we cannot find the means to love ourselves first? How can we end the hatred and the pain when we hate ourselves and choose to inflict pain upon ourselves?


Eggy wants an Optimus Prime toy. So we shall search for that first chance we get.


I do not know what it is, but everyone just seems to love all the pictures of Wee Ling in my photo album. The perverts!! No doubt she is a real hottie, but I think what defines her, at least in my eyes, is the beauty within. She is a good friend to my beloved Agnes, and her invaluable help during our wedding preparations scored her a few points in my eyes. Too bad though about her 'better' half...


Been thinking about...

- should I get a new printer?
- getting back to jogging and working out?
- when will I be able to actually start work on my business ideas?
- why do all they nice girls have crappy other halves?
- doing something that has been on my mind to do for a while now
- our new house and how nice it would be to finally be..alone...or so I think...
- how much negativity and fear consumes us, until some of us just freeze and are unable to perform to our optimum.
- how I need to clear up my wardrobe. too much clothes and not enough place to put it in. Get rid of my army wear and spoilt shirts for a start. And maybe after that get rid of all the ugly clotes and those that do not fit anymore.
- have not been spending much time with the bunnies.
- how sad it is when my wife and my folks have not met up since the wedding day itself. It sucks to be me sometimes.
- bring all my magazines to the office
- break bread and drink the wine
- Live Earth. Good or Bad? I just can't decide to be honest. Somehow I just cannot reconcile a 24 hour rock concert to create awareness about environmental concerns. As the Arctic Monkey's said it is 'too pretentious'.
- we should have taken more pictures together in Malacca,especially back at the hotel.
- I need a helicopter. not a real one. one of those remote control ones.
- WWE comes to singapore on the 28th. will we (or rather I)be there? stay tuned...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wee Ling Foreverrrrrrrrrrrr ;p

Marcus the pervert

PS: BTW, i see you have not learn
from your previous copyright
infringements on Youtube ! hahaha

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyah..these ppl got nothing better to do but to bug me with all this copyright crap.

btw... do looksee at the special Wee Ling photoset..wink wink

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whao lao!! Two perverts harrasing my fren!!!

That explanation i doubt will ever come...wait long long....and i will not rest in peace until that long long explanation comes.

4:35 PM  

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