Sunday, July 08, 2007

Under my umbrella... ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh

Don't you just love capitalism?

Case 1
our wedding blog at was closed down for a few days because it was suspected of being a spam blog.

If your blog is disabled, it will be listed on your Dashboard, but you will not be able to click on it to access it. If this is the case, there will be a grace period during which you can request that it be reviewed and recovered. The disabling is a result of our automated classification system marking it as spam. Because this system is automated there will necessarily be some false positives, though we're continually working on improving our algorithms to avoid these. If your blog is not a spam blog, then it was one of the false positives, and we apologize.

So that begs the question, what exactly constitutes a Spam Blog?

As with many powerful tools, blogging services can be both used and abused. The ease of creating and updating webpages with Blogger has made it particularly prone to a form of behavior known as link spamming. Blogs engaged in this behavior are called spam blogs, and can be recognized by their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site.
Spam blogs cause various problems, beyond simply wasting a few seconds of your time when you happen to come across one. They can clog up search engines, making it difficult to find real content on the subjects that interest you. They may scrape content from other sites on the web, using other people's writing to make it look as though they have useful information of their own. And if an automated system is creating spam posts at an extremely high rate, it can impact the speed and quality of the service for other, legitimate users.

So I am assuming that what did me in was the 'irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site'.
Being of clear conscience I got in touch with Blogger and they did a check...

So I emailed Blogger and they did an actual check and confirmed that indeed my blog was not a spam blog.


Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and
cleared for regular use so that
it will no longer appear as potential spam. If
you sign out of Blogger and
sign back in again, you should be able to post as
normal. Thanks for your
patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience
this has caused.

The Blogger Team

Case 2

I have several videos on my Youtube account, some of which feature music of New Creation Church. So imagine my surprise when I got this message:


My name is Sheryl and I am writing on behalf of New Creation Church, Singapore.

It has come to our attention that our copyrighted songs have been used in some of the videos you posted on YouTube. This is an infringement of copyright, and we therefore seek your cooperation to remove our songs in the following videos as soon as possible:

If any of our songs have been used in videos other than the above, kindly remove them as well.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to write in to us at

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a blessed day!

Sheryl Leow
Corporate Communications

Anyway, I wrote an email back to Miss Sheryl and am awaiting their reply. So meanwhile you guys can enjoy the videos while they are still up. Of course as usual, I am not going down without a fight...



Blogger H. said...

*slaps forehead*

i'm hearing the words "Copyright Infringement" more than "how do you do?" these days!

once a powerful means of communication, research, advertising etc.. now, suddenly EVERY-BLOODY-THING's a copyright issue.

like seriously people.. enough already.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

6:45 PM  

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