bulleted thoughts
- Xiaxue's blog is sure looking great now. The revamp has raised the bar for local blog sites to a whole new level. But there is no substitute for substance.
- Funny how we take those closest to us for granted. We think we can say or do anything and that person will just forgive & forget. But it hurts the most when the one doing the hurting is someone close to you whether we realise it or not...
- Bought new fish. This time and went down to Qian Hu and got them .Hope they survive. My last couple of buying sprees had catastrophic mortality rates. Only 3 fish survived out of the like $40 of fish I had bought. Still trying to figure out where I went wrong..
- Gonna get the FIFA 2006 game. They say it is out in the shops. But not seen any at all the shops I been to.
- Gonna start to use the Photoshop Elements 3.0 I bought a while back. Been using Picasa 2.0. It is well and good for most photo editing. But why use Picasa when you have Photoshop?
- Been sleeping better lately. Maybe it has do with the reduction in teh halias and the weekly exercise.
- Got a new frame for my Transitions. Looks kinda funky. Went back to the nanyang optical at Causeway Point,where I had made my set initially. Actually wanted a more conservative design, but the girl convinced me otherwise.
- Cats are cats. But cats can never be dogs. As much as I love cats, I still love dogs more. Monk is a cat and not a dog, although he does display doggie-like attributes. Poor confused fat pussy!
- I just love Blackcurrant and Fruit Pastilles. I could just eat and eat them.
- Ben & Jerry's have opened 2 more scoop shops besides the ones at the Zoo & Night safari. They are at Suntec (near Carrefour) and at Great World City, with more on the way.
- It is funny how you can feel so connected to people you have never met in real life, yet feel so detached from the people you see everyday.
- Gonna vacuum Sunny sometime soon. I hope.
- Guitar classes. To go or not to go, that is the question.
- The pics from my zoo trip on monday are up.
- Just looking at the fish I bought earlier today, it is uncanny how they resemble human behavior (from a human perspective of course). Some like the gouramis are very extroverted. Showing no fear and swimming around like they been in tank forever. The others smallers fish all group together and huddle in some corner of the tank even though there are more of them than there are gouramis. And then there are the resident fish whom seem meek when first introduced, but then become the life of the party when they warm up to their new friends. And then there are the ones you do not notice. The list goes on..
- Gonna have to start clearing my leave between now and the end of the year. Gonna be tough trying to find dates to do that. Guess I am not ruthless enough to take leave as and when I please. But I will be applying on Monday at least for those days I need for the rest of October and the beginning of November.

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