Save them! (do not read further if you love animals or have a soft heart)
I would like to further what Nadia mentioned in her recent blog about the video I was looking at that brought her to near tears.
The video was all about the fur trade in China (I think). The action all takes place in an open air market and in some shophouse. You can hear the sound of passers-by and vehicles walking by in the audio. By the looks of it, it seems rather like a normal day at the office for the scum bags featured in the video. Heck...they even blank out the faces of the perpetrators. What are they trying to do? Protecting the guilty?
The video starts off with these bandicoot/raccoon like which are taken by force from their cages(by their tails no less).They are then slammed repeatedly on the ground until they lose consciousness. Those with some fight in them are either beaten with big sticks or get stomped upon on their heads/necks.
Then they procced to use an AXE (wtf!!) to chop off their feet! *Mind you the animals are mostly alive until the very end of the ordeal*
Then one by one they are strung up on a pole and disembowelled. then he proceeds to strip the fur off the living animal as it struggles and writhes in sheer unadulterated agony as its fur is stripped off as it is strung on the afore mentioned pole. The said animal is then viciously yanked off the pole and disposed off in a big bin with lots of others who suffered the same fate. We end off with the close up of the animal as it tries desperately to move inspite of its predicament. It then dies a slow painful death...
We then move on to much of the same happening to other animals (like what kinda looks like a dog or wolf and a rabbit).
I just do not know how people could be so cruel to God's creations. I mean it is one thing to kill an animal for food. But what I saw was sheer cruelty at its worst.
Just hope someone knocks some sense into these morons. Someone has to put a stop to this nonsense and it starts with and I.
anyway if anyone has the stomach to watch what I am talking about the link is here . Pictures speak a thousand words.