Saturday, April 16, 2005

Save them! (do not read further if you love animals or have a soft heart)

I would like to further what Nadia mentioned in her recent blog about the video I was looking at that brought her to near tears.

The video was all about the fur trade in China (I think). The action all takes place in an open air market and in some shophouse. You can hear the sound of passers-by and vehicles walking by in the audio. By the looks of it, it seems rather like a normal day at the office for the scum bags featured in the video. Heck...they even blank out the faces of the perpetrators. What are they trying to do? Protecting the guilty?

The video starts off with these bandicoot/raccoon like which are taken by force from their cages(by their tails no less).They are then slammed repeatedly on the ground until they lose consciousness. Those with some fight in them are either beaten with big sticks or get stomped upon on their heads/necks.
Then they procced to use an AXE (wtf!!) to chop off their feet! *Mind you the animals are mostly alive until the very end of the ordeal*
Then one by one they are strung up on a pole and disembowelled. then he proceeds to strip the fur off the living animal as it struggles and writhes in sheer unadulterated agony as its fur is stripped off as it is strung on the afore mentioned pole. The said animal is then viciously yanked off the pole and disposed off in a big bin with lots of others who suffered the same fate. We end off with the close up of the animal as it tries desperately to move inspite of its predicament. It then dies a slow painful death...

We then move on to much of the same happening to other animals (like what kinda looks like a dog or wolf and a rabbit).


I just do not know how people could be so cruel to God's creations. I mean it is one thing to kill an animal for food. But what I saw was sheer cruelty at its worst.

Just hope someone knocks some sense into these morons. Someone has to put a stop to this nonsense and it starts with and I.

anyway if anyone has the stomach to watch what I am talking about the link is here . Pictures speak a thousand words.

puppy blues

Camou has not been well lately. I have noticed his deteoriating health lately. He is now a mere shell of the hyperactuve bitch spawn he used to be. I cannot really put a finger on what is wrong. But it kind of looks like an overall decline in health. His back seems to be perpetually hunched. Not a good thing. He seems to be incontinent too. He pees everywhere. Not normal pee. He kinda just walks around the house and pees leaving a trails of dribble everywhere he goes. He also suffers from diarrhoea.He lacks energy. He cannot run like he used to before. Our daily runs have devolved into walks.

On Thursday I noticed him in the worst state I ever seen him. He was just plain sickly looking. His tail and ears were drooped down low.He was obviously in some difficulties. He had a hard time just walking from his bed to where I was. his eyes were dull. I knew something was seriously wrong. As I had to go off to pick up Agnes and family later that day,I just left it as such.

When I got back that evening I received an SMS from my mum telling me the little dog had been hospitalised. the stupid doctors could not tell us what was wrong with him though. The asshole even suggested we put Camou down. Fuck him. I would sooner put the dickhead with a PhD down that let him 'put Camou out of his misery'.

Just yesterday after consultations with Noel it seems that Camou has something wrong with his hinds (duh!) which will require surgery. The hook here is that he may not survive the operation!

It seems really grim so far. Looks like either way Camou is a goner. if we do not go through with the surgery he may not get well. If we do he may not survive through it.

All we can do now is hope and pray that he pulls through this episode and comes back stronger and better.

Of all the pets we had I think Camou is the one I grew most attached to. I have had loads of cats and dogs. But no animal ever needed me more than Camou. He is a dog that needs love and attention continually. And I tried as often as I could to bring him out and include him in my activities. It was not always easy bringing a dog most places, but I think I did a passable job.

He seemed happiest when out with me on our walks and runs. He really enjoys being able to run free among the tall grasses. Though he was on the decline on our recent runs he still enjoyed them and looked forward to them.

Love you lots!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Journey to the North

Drove over to Agnes place round about 930. Went up to pick up the family(Agnes,mum and dad).

The ride to the causeway was kinda smooth being that it was a weekday and around 10 am. We somehow managed to grab a whole bunch of declaration cards on the way in. Finally. Always a bitch getting enough of those.

First stop: Danga Bay. For breakfast. For me. The rest had already had their fill.
Most of the stalls were closed and the Marry Browns(?) had not yet opened. We instead had some drinks. We had milos and a coffee. I drank most of the Milos. As it turned out something was amiss and Agnes and I had a stomachache abrewing. Not sure what it was. It did not taste particularly bad or anything but it kinda churned up our stomachs.

Next stop after that was Lien Hoe Complex. Did some shopping there, bought some shoes and stuff. Had lunch at the KFC.

Then it was off to Pelangi Plaza. Went window shopping and...bought more shoes. Had cake and coffee at a cafe. Then it was off to Pelangi Leisure Mall. The highlight all things considered was...eeeps...MPH the Bookshop. I managed to see the Johore Street directory I had. Maybe could tell Poh and Lyn about it. They been asking me where to get it from.

Then it was off to Holiday Plaza.

Then back to home sweet Singapore.

Had a wonderful dinner at Fisherman's Village at Pasir Ris.

Then back to Agnes place.

Home thereafter.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Happiest Sound In All The World!

We watched Sound of Music today.

Anyone who watched the big screen version would definitely identify with the stage version of Sound of Music.

I had assumed the stage show was inspired by the hugely successful film.But in fact the stage one pre-dates it.


I really enjoyed the first half of it. The interaction between Maria and the kids were what made the film work. On stage the same chemistry is evident. It was all fun and games as Maria brought music into the von Trapp home. The kids were really adorable and amazingly performed on cue. Of course there are the usual Julie Andrew's comparisions. Big shoes to fill for any actress. A role she made all her own on the big screen and the yardstick by which all would be measured against. It was quite hard to reconcile the actress playing Maria with the one we all know and love. She just plain lacked the down-to-earth sweetness that connected audiences to Julie Andrews. But on her own she did an admirable job in the role.

The second half of the show was more dark and edgy (never thought I would ever say that of Sound of Music). It was where Maria tangles with her feelings for the Baron and the ominous foreboding of the Nazi invasion of Austria. So the kids and the Baron himself sort through their loss of their beloved governess. The Baron comes to grip with his marriage of convenience to Baroness Ebberfeld whilst harbouring his deep rooted atraction to Maria. When the Nazi's finally invade Austria, the Von Trapp family has to decide whether it is better to go with the flow and serve the Third Reich or to make a quick getaway.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost makes me wanna run out and buy the DVD to watch over and over again.

On the way out we bought the soundtrack CD and the show program. Agnes been looking for the soundtrack for a while now and finally she got it. Yayyyyy...

Sunday, April 10, 2005

the new pictures of Agnes Birthday are up!

go see

Agnes's barfday

Picked my dearie up round about 4.5 from her place.First order of business was to go to Eastpoint at Simei to look for Agnes's tortoise food.He has not been eating well since the last bottle of feed finished. A spoilt tortoise he is.Only likes a particular brand. Agnes bought 3 bottles.I also discovered that brand is from Yi Hu Fish farm which means I can get more if ever Agnes needs some more. Yayyyy....brownie points!!

Whilst at Eastpoint we ran into Dr. Ali and family. If he does not know me and Agnes are an item after today then I dunno wat to say. :P Agnes also went to the Watson's to buy some stuff.

After we had gotten our stuff we drove around a bit before heading towards Changi Chapel and Museum. Unfortunately it was closed. Plan B: Changi Boardwalk. We took some nice pictures there which I will post in due time.There was also a couple taking wedding pictures at the Beach Club. Agnes was perturbed by some of the catches by the men fishing there. She did not understand that fishermen catch fish to bring back. It may seem cruel to eat a living organism, but that is the way of the world. She was kinda hoping they would just throw it back into the sea. Not bad as far as catches go though. We were only there for less than an hour but the guys were reeling in catches right ,front and centre during the duration. Hasli should seriously consider going there. One guy even got what looked to be a good catch. Have pics to prove it too.

After that we made the cool,windy walk back to Sunny. Once more we spied the couple taking wedding pictures again. Took the short drive over to Bark's cafe. I am usually very pleased with the service there but today I just felt it was virtually non-existent.No one lead us in and showed us to our seats. Thereafter no one gave us a menu or wanted to take our orders.It was only when Agnes approached the bar did anything happen. I was also annoyed by the grass cutting. The thing about Bark's is the cool ,calm and quiet ambience. It was kinda annoying to hear the whirring of the cutter blades, the diesel fumes and the smell of freshly cut grass as you are eating. Kinda spoilt the moment for me. Agnes had her usual chicken and I had my ginger seabass. We had wanted to order blackcurrant Hooches but they dun stock that anymore. So we ordered Chocolate milks. What came was STRAWBERRY milks.TWO of them. But we just drank it anyway. No point getting into a tangle.
While there we ran into Yew Kuang who was apparently alone. Was really nice of him to come over. When he found out it was Agnes's birthday he greeted her with 'Congratulations!'.Huh? WTF?
On the way out we said our goodbye to Poh and made our way back to my place.

Along the way we dropped into Han's and bought a tiramisu cake for Agnes. We then had an impromptu cake cutting ceremony with just the 4 of us. The cake was yummy!A departure from the chocolate cakes we usually have.

After that and all the usual razzmatazz (singing,cutting, candle blowing) we had our cake and ate it. We then cleared up the mess and the lovey-dovey couple headed into my room for a little more private birthday celebrations.

After all was said and done I drove my dearie home.

~ ~ since 19th December 2008 ~~

~ ~ since 16 June 2007 ~ ~

~ ~ since 19 February 2005 ~ ~

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