Monday, April 09, 2007

radical grace

found it hard to sleep so did a little bible study.I guess the night is always the best time to get in touch with the Person who followed you around all day. Funny how He is always there besides you in everything you do, and in every thought you think, in every aspect of your daily existence. yet for most of us we only think of him on sundays, christmas or easter.

Really was think about God's grace. it seems that the grace of God is a subject that is often spoken about but few of us ever come close to understanding. 'the Grace of God' has become somewhat of a cliche. even non-believers use the term 'grace of god' loosely to describe a situation when one is seemingly delivered from an unpleasant situation.

As a young christian, it was always drummed into me about this thing called grace. It seemed a noble concept in many ways. God is Grace,and Grace is God. That is what they said. but what actually was this grace that was so important? was it that God somehow found it within Himself to find the time to do something to redeem us from sin? And how much did he redeem us from the wages of sin and of death? Was it a complete work? And how do I even know it is true?

For if by the one man’s offence death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17

By one man's(Adam) sin death reigned. yet by one man's grace (Jesus) and righteousness we as believers will reign in life! I emphasised the words 'much more' there to show that the power to reign in life through Jesus far exceeds any of the powers that consign us to sin and death. The Bible never lies. yet how is it that most of us are not reigning in life? How is it that we are seemingly devoid of 'the abundance of grace' and seems to display little or none of the attributes one would associate with possessing 'the gift of righteousness'?

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

Here the writer expounds the magnitude of God's grace. '..though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor...' That God himself would come down in human form to live as one of us. That the Son of God himself would live a life very much like you and I. facing the same situations that you and I face on a daily basis. Jesus faced the same trials and tribulations that we encounter in our lives. Jesus encountered the same temptations and urges to commit sin. In fact Jesus faced far more perilious situations than we could ever hope(or not) of facing. Jesus became OUR SIN. Though he knew no sin, the Lamb of God became our sin (2 Cor 5:21). Think of the worst thing you have done. Jesus took that sin upon himself in your place. Think about every evil thing that humanity has done since the dawn of humanity. Jesus took all of that upon himself as well. Take the sin of every man, woman and child who ever lived, is living today and will live in the future and realised that even all those sins were carried by Jesus at Calvary.
Of course at this point we have to emphasise that God is righteous. And that God's righteousness is still maintained as it was since the beginning. Yet the same righteous God took all our sin upon himself. He literally became our Sin. At that very moment God the Father,who is righteous and just, and God the Son,who became our sin offering, were separated. Why? Because sin and God's righteousness cannot co-exist. Little wonder that Jesus cried out as he hung on that cross,"My God,my God, why has thou forsaken me?". For that moment in time, God the Father ceased to be 'father' and became 'God' to his only begotten Son. Jesus became sin personified. And God to maintain his righteousness and justice had to turn away from the One he loved most. Imagine you as a parent having to turn away from your own child and treat him as though he or she was not even there. As much as you love your child and want to hold your child and love your child, your righteousness does not allow it. And then put yourself in the place of God himself, who had to punish every single sin upon the lifeless body of his Son, who in His life did no sin and his every action was pleasing unto God. Yet this very same Jesus suffered unimaginable pain and suffering. It was not merely the physical pain from the beatings, the whippings, or carrying the cross or even being physically nailed to the cross. It was also the anguish and the separation of Jesus from the Father he so loved. The other aspect of this situation was that Jesus himself became our sin and our sin offering all at once. Imagine the only righteous person to walk this earth actually carried every vile deed, thought and action upon himself. Just as God the Father had to turn away from His Son, God the Son had to bear not just the sin of the world, but the PUNISHMENT of our sin as well. Imagine the ordeal as God's righteousness as personified in Jesus was subjected to sin for the first and only time in history. The Father turned away from sin, but Jesus? He had to face the brunt of our sin as he hung helplessly to that cross. Jesus had no way out, no means of escape. No way to separate His righteousness from sin. A righteous God became sin, and sin came upon God himself.

That is just a glimpse of Grace. All my word's fail to do justice to that act at Calvary's Cross. If we could only try little by little to understand the events of that fateful day. Maybe then we could understand what grace truly is.

Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:4–5

Sunday, April 08, 2007

random thoughts

  • Friday was Good Friday.Today is Easter. So what was yesterday? I bet saturday really feels left out.
  • Man U got beat!! Finally a 3 point gap between the 2 league leaders. I do not care for either team, but I do care for a nail-biting title race. With Man(Ure) due to go to Stamford Bridge in the run up,Chelsea have a chance to cut their lead to nothing(but goal difference).
  • Returned my library books...finally. But not paid the overdue fine...yet.
  • Liverpool has been bought over by american owners. Rafa got 40 million pounds to splurge on players in the off-season. They knocked Barcelona out of the Champions league. Beat the stuffings out of Arsenal 4-1. Got a 3-0 lead over PSV in the Champions League quarters. Seems there has never been a better time to be a Pool fan.
  • Muffy and Scruffy have grown since we first got them. As all young animals are prone to doing when you do not keep an eye on them. And even their colours seem to be changing.
  • Having In-Camp Training (ICT) on tuesday onwards. New unit. No idea how it is going to be. I hated ICT before with my old unit. It was mainly because the people I worked with were on a totally different wavelength than me. They were crude and obsessed with sex. believe it or not I felt disgusted most of the time. As a result I seldom joined in any conversations or any activities with them. Hopefully my new 'friends' will be of a different ilk.
  • Got a hair cut today. my hand(or rather head) was forced due to my impending ICT. as usual when cut short my hair starts to stick in any direction but down and my head what Agnes lovingly describes as a 'conehead'. Nothing a little hair gel and a comb won't solve.
  • linkin park have all grown up as evidenced by their latest offering, Minutes to Midnight. The video is for their first single, What I've Done, from the album is awesome, as Chester Bennington does a Bono and addresses issues close to their heart like *cough* conservation, global warming, war and the impoverished. Gone are the nu-metal sounds that they helped pioneer in their first 2 studio albums, and in with harmonics, choirs and guitar riff. man they even went the whole way and actually appear on the album cover! Think I may even consider buying the album if the lead single is any indication.
  • improved my blog so that the links on the left have been organised and many newer sites I like have been added. I do think it looks better now that the previous configuration which basically consisted of a long list of links with little rhyme or reason that the fact i put them there.
  • Wanted to go to church today. Actually went to SUNTEC and found there was nary a seat in the house. What to do when you in the fastest growing church in Singapore? So I went shopping instead. Bought a Phantom of the Opera OST, some shower gel, shoe polish, got a hair cut and all. Was not able to find the rabbit feeder thingamagic I was looking for though. :(
  • female vocalists I like: Joss Stone-what a voice,such soul. But does anyone know what she is saying? Jojo- such talent for one so young. So why do I feel like a paedophile now? Jewel-there is only one Jewel. And what a gem (pun intended) Pink- rockrrr gurl!! somehow manages to be fun yet mean business at the same time. What a voice. what stage presence. mariah carey- still the diva of divas Sarah Maclachlan- voice of an angel Amy Lee (of evanescence)- great songs and with a voice like that... Beyonce- when she gets that Destiny's Child groove on she is Irreplaceable. Nelly..Furtado- unique voice and special music. must be the genes.Probably many more that I failed to mention.
  • Watched Phantom of the Opera yesterday. one of the most lavishly made musicals I seen. Of course something was lost in the singing. was hard making out the words sometimes. and the Phantom is one poor dude. really feel for the guy,man.
  • Tomorrow is Agnes's b-day. What i wouldnt give to see her in her birthday suit. jokes aside though, we are going to the Equinox tomorrow for a nice dinner. Promised her a new mobile phone. We will probably go next weekend to look for it.
  • Had a heart to heart talk with Wang and Hasli the other day. We were talking about what hasli has to do if he wants to have a successful career and get promoted. Funny how I suddenly find myself into this elder stateman role with the other staff. Guess others see something in me that I fail to see myself.
  • Movies to catch: I Don't Want to Sleep Alone, Sunshine, The Kallang Wave...
  • Further away: Premonition, Spiderman III, Shrek the Third, Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer ,Live Free or Die Hard, Transformers,

The Reason For The Resurrection

Romans 4:25
25who [Jesus] was delivered up because of our offences, and was raised because of our justification.

The Bible tells us that Christ was delivered up for our sins and raised from the dead for our justification. You may already know why Jesus died for our sins, but do you know the significance of God raising Him from the dead?

Let me give you an illustration to help you understand the significance of Jesus’ resurrection.

Let’s say that you are living in a foreign country. One day, you happen to break a major rule of the land. You appeal to the king for mercy. He says, “A rule is a rule. I cannot bend the rules for you. What will others say about my integrity? However, if you can find a substitute to take your punishment — three months in jail — I will allow it.”

By God’s grace, you find a willing substitute. He goes to prison on your behalf and you don’t see him for some time. The days, weeks and months pass by.

Now, how or when will you know that your crime has been fully paid? When will you be able to rest easy regarding your crime? When you see your substitute walking in freedom again! When you see him out of the prison, you will know that the sentence has been fully served. You will know that you are now justified and no one can bring a charge against you for your old crime. No longer will you be afraid of the king or his guards coming after you because you know that the one who was punished in your place is now walking free.
Beloved, Jesus, your substitute, paid the debt you could not pay. On the cross, He bore the sins of your entire life. God put it all on Jesus and then He punished Jesus for every single one of those sins until He was fully satisfied. And because He was so pleased with what Jesus had done, He raised Him from the dead.

Today, Jesus’ tomb remains empty. He is not there for He has risen! His resurrection and empty tomb will forever be our assurance that we have been fully justified!


All I Ask of You

From the musical,Phantom of the Opera:

From the movie version:

steve barton and sarah brightman,the original london cast members singing:

No more talk
of darkness,
Forget these
wide-eyed fears.
I'm here,
nothing can harm you -
my words will
warm and calm you.

Let me be
your freedom,
let daylight
dry -your tears.
I'm here,
with you, beside you,
to guard you
and to guide you . . .

Say you love me
waking moment,
turn my head
with talk of summertime . . .

Say you need me
with you,
now and always . . .
promise me that all
you say is true -
that's all I ask
of you . . .

Let me be
your shelter,
let me
be your light.
You're safe:
No-one will find you
your fears are
far behind you . . .

All I want
is freedom,
a world with
no more night . . .
and you
always beside me
to hold me
and to hide me . . .

Then say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
Iet me lead you
from your solitude . . .

Say you need me
with you
here, beside you . . .
anywhere you go,
let me go too -
that's all I ask
of you . . .

Say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
say the word
and I will follow you . . .

Share each day with
me, each
night, each morning . . .

Say you love me . . .

You know I do . . .

Love me -
that's all I ask
of you . . .

(They kiss)

Anywhere you go
let me go too . . .
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you . .

All I Ask of You (Reprise)



257 SA was previously a 155mm Gun Battalion from 23 SA. The unit was based in Khatib Camp during its active days and had the distinction of being the first battalion in the world to be equipped with the FH 2000. 257 SA replaced 233 SA as the other 155mm-Gun unit, other than 23 SA under Army Artillery Group.

Training Programme

10th -
11th - Main Body in-processing/ CO's briefing/equipping/ IPPT
12th - OGT
13th - OGT/ maintainance
14th(Sat) - Home
15th(Sun) - Home
16th - Batallion Exercise
17th - Batallion exercise
18th - Batallion exercise/equipment maintainance/IPPT
19th - Internal AAR / ICT Survey External AAR Cohesion Game / MR Parade Admin
20th(Fri) - MR Parade / Out Process

~ ~ since 19th December 2008 ~~

~ ~ since 16 June 2007 ~ ~

~ ~ since 19 February 2005 ~ ~

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