Saturday, April 30, 2005

picture of the day

The moo-moo's have a final fling before being sent to some dilapidated warehouse on on the far side of town.


did some work on my blog.

changed some of the links and got rid of some of the pictures that slowed down the loading.

been thinking of adding in some actual pictures of ME and agnes instead. My blog is now kinda faceless(literally). I do not know if people actually saw how I look like if that would change anything but who cares.

from Big Fuck's blog

Its Xiaxue's birthday and in his own unimitable style he pays tribute to the undisputed queen of Singapore Blogdom (I think).

And this the One About Cod's told Hasli about.

Also honorable mention to the photoshop job he did on our MM Mr Lee Kuan Yew. His blog is still up despite death threats and all. He later did other prominent people.

Lastly and certainly not least...his daily dose of blogbabes(or xiaxue killers as he likes to call them) make his site worth a visit.

I just enjoy the irreverent stuff this guy comes up with. He is now officially my favourite other blog(besides Nadia of course *grins*).

They have some cute(and rather crude) tees here. Wonder if they are available in Singapore.

Hands by Jewel

to see the video go here:

Things I would like to do:

Teach. Always been a goal of mine in some form or another. Maybe I should just go ahead and take the plunge. But all the horror stories from Hasli do not help any.

Take up my taxi vocational licence. It is fun to do and I think I have enough driving experience and know my way around Singapore well enough. Only thing is I have got to work on my sudden turns and overtaking. I think it is part of the test to be as inconsiderate and unpredictable as possible...

Journalism. TMC offers it and I very nearly took it up. But ended up taking Computer Studies at Informatics instead. One of the worst cases of decision making I ever made. I love writing and wish I could put my writing skills to some use rather just use it here for the amusement of my rabid blog readers.

Beside writing I also love building and repairing stuff. A natural progression of that is to get an education and learn a skill. No idea where and what I will do with it but no harm trying. Maybe start up my own company once I have the neccessary skills or consider a change in line.

My guitar has been gathering dust since like forever. Maybe it is time to dust it off and start strumming those strings.

Language courses are always an option. Maybe Mandarin,Japanese, French.

I love animals and nature. Perhaps I can do something in connection with it. Nature Society and various other organisations offer me an opportunity to use this passion of mine for something more tangible. I may even be able to travel to Malaysia or elsewhere to indulge in this.

I also love exploring Singapore and beyond. SHATEC offers courses in tourism which seems like a natural fit. Problem is they do not seem to have any part-time courses on offer. However TMIS does offer some.

I guess the problem with me is that I have such varied interest and a short attention span to do any one thing for a prolonged period of time. So hard to decide between teaching, journalism, tourism and nature. Sooner or later I am gonna have to choose one and stick with it. I could of course take a few short courses here and there. Dabble in my various fields of interest. But that is not the way if I wish to make a career out of them.

how long has it been?

not blogged for what seems like ages.

Camou seems to be making some strides in his recovery. He is beginning to use his hind legs more and more. If he keeps up like this he will be up and running in a few weeks. Still keeping in mind Dr Oh (accupressure) and the other doctor LO recommended which was supposedly 'passionate' about animals...

Agnes and I went trekking at Bukit Timah last Saturday. Was fun and a good way to keep fit. We will do more of such in future.

Work has been as much fun as a steaming pile of horse manure. With the new malaysia regulations kicking in on the 25th,the guys and I have been overwhelmed by all the additional work we have to do with little or no sympathy from the higher ups. Adversity sometimes breeds resolve. In our case the three of us put our heads together (I know it may not sound like much, but it is a minor miracle all things considered) and came up with ways to improve our workflow. Coolness! It is great when we work together like this. Reminds me of my NS days where because you have no choice but to face the same shit together it builds a sense of camaderie and unity to face the diffculties ahead. Thanks guys!

Monk seems to like Agnes very much. Monk is one of those 'cutesey' cats that never fails to amuse visitors to the Boyd household. But still he and Agnes seem to get along well...too well. You can tell by the glint in Monk's eyes as Agnes walks up the driveway and how animated he becomes when she is in the same room as him how he feels. ...and they call it puppy...umm...kitten love...

Sunny has been washed in ages. Wonder why that is.

Gonna go out with Agnes later to look for doggie diapers for Camou. Maybe cats ones since he is closer in stature to a cat than a dog. His diarrhoea seems to be persistent but at least now he doesn't drag himself across it as he move around as much as he used to because he has regained more use of his legs.

Star Wars Episode III is a mere 20 days away. Woo-hoo!! Already made plans with my dearie to catch it on opening day (which also is our 3rd month anniversary!!!!). Talk about a great anniversary present. Been waiting 26 years for this...

Gonna have to go take more pics of Agnes and myself. She looks great in pictures. So much so that I have to put in extra effort each time we go and take them to ensure there are a few bad ones in there to post here. Life is unfair at times.

Been drinking Yomeishu lately. It has been beneficial for the most part. But I must remember never to drink more than 20ml at a time. *hic*

The more things change the more they are the same. *sigh*

Have an ulcer on my lower lip. Ouch. So Agnes has got to be more gentle with me over the next few days. Hee hee.

Noel is in Bali as we speak. Wish I was there. Always wanted to go to Bali. Heard it is nice.

Agnes gonna be away in Kuching between the 11th to 13th next month. It is gonna be the longest we ever been apart since we got together. Man...I miss her already!

Is it just me or is all of the music on the airwaves crap? Doesn't anyone out there know how to write good music anymore? All this hip hop, pseudo rockers and manufactured pop princesses are getting to me. Oh my...I am beginning to sound like my dad!!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hands by Jewel

One of my favourite songs by Jewel. Just love her music and was fortunate enough to see her in concert here in Singapore when she dropped in on her first tour here.

If I could tell the world just one thing
it would be that we're all o.k.
And not to worry
cause worry is wasteful
And unless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I wont be idled with dispair
I will gather myself around my faith
for light does the darkness most fear

I guess lots been happening around me lately which I have little or no control over. I am the sort who likes to be able to contribute to help those around me but sometimes even I cannot do much.

First there is all the stuff about Agnes and her going back to study for her Master's. I just wish I could be of more help and assistance to her as she decides what she wants to do with her life. But it is something outside of my realm for the most part. All I can do is be supportive and offer up my two cents worth whenever she needs it.

Then there is the situation Noel is in. His entertainment company is on the verge of collaspse and he is seriously considering pulling the plug on it to cut his losses. He cannot compete with all the unscrupulous fly-by-night companies out there that can offer much cheaper shows than he does. This coupled with a burdgeoning staff strength and an upward spiral in rentals makes it hard to maintain the business. Anyone who knows me and Noel would know that we are very close although lately we have both been pre-occupied with our own lives to really enjoy 'brotherly' moments like we used to. I hate seeing him lose all that he has worked so hard to build with his own sweat, blood and tears over these years. Admittedly he lack the guile to run a business but he definitely has the drive and focus to succeed. Just that sometimes in life, the good guys lose and the bad guys ruin it for the rest of us.

Camou's health is another concern of mine. I love the little bitch spawn to bits and it is heart breaking to see this in this state. I guess for the longest time we were both in the same boat. Two beings placed on earth just to brighten up one anothers lives. He needed someone to care for him and I was looking for someone/something to shower my love upon. It was a perfect combination. But somewhere along the line I found love with Agnes and he suffered this fate. We did not go out as often as we used to and when we did it was never the same. Agnes and I love Camou to bits and want to see him well again. If there was anything I could do to see him through his dark period in his little puppy life,I would do it. But things seem to be picking up for the little critter.

The last of my concerns is the new stuff at work. Work seems like it is gonna increase triple-fold. Even with the inclusion of Hasli into the fold I do not see how we can make it work. I just hate how upper management implements such sweeping changes without considering the implications it may have on the staff. How are we gonna cope with the sudden increase in workload within the constraints of time, manpower and staff morale is beyond me. And the burden of making this hair-brained scheme work falls upon me. Times like these makes me wanna just give up and quit. Seems pointless to always be fighting uphill battles and meeting others unrealistic expectations. Something has got to give sooner or later. How am I supposed to lead and guide MY staff when I myself seem to uncertain and critical of it. It is easy to say to be professional and to say that over time the problems will iron themselves out. Change is good..yadda...yadda...yadda...

My hands are small, I know,
but they're not yours they are my own
but they're not yours they are my own
and I am never broken

I just hate feeling so helpless and unable to do anything as all around me things seems to be falling apart. Maybe a bit melodramatic there but you get the idea. I am sure in time Agnes will find her calling, Camou will get well, the shit at work will become an non-issue and Noel will move on to bigger and better things. But till then I still cannot help but feel weak and powerless.

Poverty stole your golden shoes
but it didn't steel your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
but i knew it wasnt ever after

I know that at times I worry too much about the people and things around me. But that is the part of me that makes me me. Always wanting the best for those I love and hold dear. After the fact I may come to the realisation that there was nothing to worry about but still I cannot help feeling that things are coming apart at the seams. Things may not be as bad as they look right now.

May God bless us all.

Camou News Update

Camou seems to be making some progress. I am beginning to think it has as much to do psychologically as it has to do physically that he cannot walk. I do not know too much about doggie psychology but it seems to me that Camou does have the ability to walk but 'opts' to move around using his front paws. I just worry about the wear and tear that such a method of mobility might have on his posterior. Doggie behinds were never made to be dragged across the ground.

He does seem to use his hind legs more over the last few days. He seems to be favouring his left hind leg a bit and does not seem to be exerting much pressure on it. Maybe the nerve damage to his left hind is more pronounced that to the other hind.

In terms of eating,Camou seems to be well, although he is still painfully thin. The Caesar's food Paula bought him seems to be causing him diarrhoea. This together with his current mode of movement leaves poo streaks across the floor as he moves and defecates all in one movement. Not that we hold it against him. He has little choice in the matter.

At least there is some light at the end of the tunnel for all of us who hold Camou in our prayers with his current progress...

~ ~ since 19th December 2008 ~~

~ ~ since 16 June 2007 ~ ~

~ ~ since 19 February 2005 ~ ~

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