the filler blog
I been wanting to blog. Have much to say and tell about what I been up to lately but somehow I seem preoccupied with life.I even had to resort to writing stuff into my palmtop just so I would not forget.
Some of the stuff I 'plan' to write about:
- Dawn Yeo- the hottest topic in the Singapore blogosphere (besides handicapped loos)
- the Sexpo at the Expo (interesting play on words there)
- Bonuses and incentives for NSmen?? What next? 13 month pay?
- Movie review for Just Like Heaven. Summary:I like!
- Movie review for The Exorcism of Emily Rose
- Noel's birthday party review. *hic*
- There is a new cat in the house. He is tentatively called Tiny because he is...umm...small!
- Fish tank catastrophe!
- The Art of Star Wars exhibition at the Singapore Science Centre
- The new Stars Wars:Revenge of the Sith DVD review
- our latest anniversary stuff
- Ismail's housewarming
- service last week in the aftermath of Noel's party
- Some nice blogsites I stumbled upon
- Spongebob Squarepants
- The book I bought about photoshopping for $30 bucks
- Road tax,inspections and insurance for Sunny
- The search for potential wedding dinner venues