48 hrs and counting
In less than 48 hours time I am gonna have to say goodbye to singlehood,and hello to married life. It is just surreal if you thin about it. But the thing is we have hardly had time to really sit back and think about it. Agnes has been like super busy with her school stuff and all. I been busy too with preparations. With the bedok flat taking up our time, together with the marriage preparations, we been rushing around getting things in order and making every attempt to get things in place. So in short, we had not had the time to really think about our marriage.
On the other hand Agnes been thinking alot about our financial situation. She been having sleepless nights just thinking about it. I even went down to allay her fear at AIA by getting them to print out my statements. She has not said anything further after that, so I am assuming she is feeling better now.
The HDB HLE came in the mail. After consideration it seems we are eligible for a loan amount of up to $221,800. the flat we buying is priced at $ 227,500. As we are also applying for an Additional CPF loan it should easily cover all costs should it be approved.
Submitted my verification of my salary to HQ via despatch. Hopefully it will be returned to me in time to beat the deadline of 2 weeks.
Our 'mini-honeymoon' has been postponed indefinitely due to Agnes's pre-occupation with her school work. We may go at the end of the year maybe. Or maybe even before then depending on how she progresses. be good when it happens though.
Agnes will be taking up some part-time work. Which brings me to me. Wonder if I should do likewise. I just wonder if they allow part-time taxi drivers, or if Giant needs anymore cashiers/packers! Heh heh.obigood.
Eggy had a bath today. He does look cleaner now. Did the best I could under the circumstances. Now all he needs is some nice clothes to be ready for our big day.
Bought a yellow tie from Bishan. Initially wanted a zipper tie but could not find one anywhere. Curious that. Opted for a yellow one instead of the orange one I had wanted initially. Think it goes better with what I am wearing that day. Given up on the suit idea. Guess I am one of those that looks old in suits anyway. Have new shoes that have not seen the light of day since I acquired them when we were out shopping that day many moons ago.Also bought two sets of pants, one black stripped and the other brown-like. I was favoring the black one but now still deciding between the two.
As we approach Saturday, news has filtered through of people who will not be able to make it for our solemnisation and subsequent reception.
Crystin- somehow she figured it was not as important as her holiday plans.
Nat- heard about it today. not sure the reason for it.
Ana- she says she has to go JB for some physiotheraphy.
Jack- he is in malaysia on some church trip again. will return on saturday itself. says he will try to make it. at least he informed way in advance.
Mrs Pay- says if she does not feel well that day,she may not come.Err...ok.
Esoof- He has something 'important' on that day after work, so may not be able to make it.
Did anyone notice the new music on my blog?
Things we need to do:
- watch the new fangled fantastic four movie sequel
- go sentosa,catch the new light show, even the beach time permitting
- sign up for a marriage preparation course. Cos...AGNES NEEDS IT. or so she says.
- both of us to go for medical check-up. apparently it will suss out any health issues pre-emptively.
- evaluate whether we need to get a renovation loan.
- how about a furnishing loan?
Cant wait to take possession of our new flat. Then can start to plan for and do up the place as to how we dream it to be. As of now we can only make plans and imagine how it will translate into reality. but i believe both of us have our aspirations to how our dream home should be like. Let's see how we breath life into our home.