It is the first day of CNY and like every other year I am at home just wondering what to do. Being that I do not celebrate it and most of the people I love most do kinda makes it the loneliest time of year for me. All the shops are closed, many restaurants are as well. I was due to go to Bali but decided against it in the end.
It is not that I have nothing to do. I am supposed to work on a couple of articles for my church mag and I have yet to do the required research even. I do not even feel like doing it. I have decided to leave the publication ministry. The reasons being that I do not feel that I can commit the necessary time to do research and write articles. As much as I enjoy writing and reading, somehow being a writer for the publication ministry has not been as fulfilling as I had hoped it to be. It is in the best interests of all parties if I stopped. I think I have too many other distractions that keep me busy after hours and during work time I am too busy to sneak in any work in regards to my articles unlike some of the other writers who can get leave and time off to do their stuff.
I recently went to yahoo! auctions and purchased a
Brand New Pentium 4 celeron 2.4 GHz PC at $610 which I consider a good deal. My current PC is kinda slow in loading and all now so it makes sense to upgrade it.And *horror of horrors* it cannot play Black Hawk Down!!
Things to do over the CNY Weekend:
- clear my email (i have like email from 2001 and my memory limit is 6MB and I am hovering close to the 85% level now)
- clear the SMS's in my hp (so many sms that I dunno which to keep and which to delete)
- go to the zoo (a fine time as any to go where I always wanted to go but never had the time to)
- watch the Last Samurai (heard that it is Oscar worthy...blah...blah...blah...)
- re-do my fish tank(s) (still deciding wat to put in though)
- do research and write articles for church mag
- clean my room (getting rather untidy,lacks a woman's touch :P)
I wonder if Nadia is free though. We been saying for what seems like forever to meet up but solid plans never materialised. Muffin is back home. I am at home. And I assume Nadia is too. So if you are there Nadia,do drop your dear brother here a line.
Lyn has decided that her treat for passing her driving test will be a feast in JB. Woo-hoo.....Esoof knows some places for really good food at really good prices. Lyn is so nice to everyone....