Came back on Wednesday night from my trip to Israel. There was so much that happened and I experienced whilst there. It was an enriching experience from the get go. Got to make many new friends and re-discovered things about myself. The flight and transits were a real pain but otherwise the trip was a blast. The only regret was that the trip could not be longer. The hotel we stayed in at Tiberias was good. The one at Jerusalem less so. The food at the hotel in Jerusalem was rather plain to me and the room did not even have proper air-con. So we ended up having to open the door/window that leads out onto the ledge to cool the room.
My room mate Cecil was great, although we do seem as different as chalk and cheese at times. He is a lot more extroverted than me and boy does he love to read his bible. I also made 4 other new pals in Simon,Yan Yan, Jeremy and Jasmine. We six hung out together at meals whenever possible. My trip to Israel may not ae been as much fun without them. I am glad to count these 5 individuals as friends.
not to mention all the other nice people I met along the way in our tour group bus. Time seemed too short to really get to know all of them as well as I would have wanted. But I am sure we will meet again down the road.
Our group leader, Sidney, was great too. Living proof that good things sometimes come in small packages. After our initial meeting at the trip briefing and airport, I kinda drew misconceptions about him due to the way he spoke and his stature. But what a testimony to God's grace is his life. His 9 years of hell really makes you realise how far he has come to be what he is today. If God did that for him, would he do any less for any of us. We spent many hours sharing which undoubtedly left a lasting imprint on me.
We were also privileged to be able to meet most of the NCC pastors whilst there at our hotel in Tiberias. What a rare occasion it was. The interesting part about it was how many of us that met him that day were secretly wishing to meet Pastor Prince some day and finally managed to do so in the Holy Land. Even in those few minutes that all of us were gathered there together, God was able to move in the lives of those present.
Israel itself was awesome. The places and history of the place is good in and of itself. But the spiritual aspect made it that much more affecting. To have walked where Jesus walked and seen some of the things He may have seen. Words just cannot describe the emotions. We also vitited some sites of historic battles (past and present). And in each place God showed his promise to His people,Israel.
I just love Israel. Mainly because they are God's Chosen people. Those that bless them are blessed, and those that curse them are cursed. The fact that the nation of Israel even exist in its form is a miracle in itself. Surrounded by hostile enemies on every side, it has been put to the sword by every great power and empire in human history. Yet somehow the beautiful nation still exist to take its rightful place in the world.
I love nature and history. And Israel provided that in spades. I enjoyed the treks up the hills, the pretty blue skies,the battle sites, glorious sunsets and the ancient ruins.
We were blessed with good weather throughout and all things worked for our good in the trip.
Some memorable places we went:
- The Dead Sea: Quite an experience to be able to float effortlessly
- The Golan Heights: The scene of many epic battles in Israel's tumultuous history. It was freezing cold up there. But still it really brought home the truth about what israel was and is up against.
- Ein Gedi: A nature reserve with an abundance of wildlife. The trek up and down was indeed memorable.
- Sailing on the Sea of Galilee at Sunrise: was a unique experience. The seagulls that followed our boat. And how Sidney managed to remain on his feet during Praise and Worship.
- The Temple Mount: Truly at the heart of all that is Jewish. As well as the most disputed plots of land in the world. The Dome of the Rock is magnificient. But even that pales in the light of the Third Temple.
- Garden of Gethsemane: There resides a tree reputed be over 2 thousand years old, making it very nearly possible that it was a silent witness to the final hour of the life of Jesus the Christ.
- The Garden Tomb- A beautifully planted garden. In it housed the tomb where Jesus is believed to have been entombed. We could also see the spot presumed to be Golgotha. In recent times, also the place where New Creation Church members renewed their wedding vows.
- Bethlehem/Church of Nativity: A place that more than anything displayed how grace became as a man. Was quite a harrowing experience there. Which made me so glad to be back in the Jewish side of town.
- Ido Kenyon: Our guide. He was the one who made so much of our trip throughly enjoyable. Gonna miss him.