365 days later
hard to believe that it has been a year since agnes and myself signed upon a piece of paper to make official a lifetime commitment to love and care for one another all the days of our lives.
sure it has not been all a bed of roses. we had the worst start one can imagine any married couple having short of actually having someone die. but as is the way with us, we worked things out and grew stronger together in the face of adversity.
and there is still lots of work to be done before december to make our wedding dinner then into a dream wedding to be remembered. so far we have done all within our power to pull out all the stops to make it a success. but it is the things and issues that are out of our hands that are the hardest to resolve. hopefully all the loose ends will be tied up neatly in bows so that agnes can have the dream wedding that she truly deserves.
in the year that passed, we went thru a trying time at school, a new job, trips to Hong Kong & Berlin,a new flat, house renovations and inumerable other things. almost like a microcosm of life. the only thing that we did not seem to do was to start a family. but that will happen in its time.
agnes is still struggling with her never-ending thesis. finding the going hard in her new workplace, which is lightyears apart from her AVA days, but she seems to be loving every moment despite the usual bad colleagues, long hours and workload. the house is ready and we can move in even now if we wanted to, but will for all intents and purposes will only do so officially in december.
i could probably wax poetically about my better half all day here, but no one seems to really be fond of it, so I shan't ..at this time. But she is indeed a very special woman and I count myself blessed that I can call her my wife for now and forever.