a new direction
It has been in my heart for quite some time now to change the direction of this blog. It has mainly been an avenue for me to vent my feelings and frustrations, as well as serving as a journal of sorts of the going-ons of my life. But now I think it is time that it took on a whole new dimension, being that it be about the most important person and by default most crucial aspect of my existence. It is the one thing which I hold most dear in my heart, yet often overlook in my daily walk of life. It is so very easy to get caught up in the mundane things that our daily existence bring our way.
In a sense I hope that through my blog I find myself more. And figure out where I am and where I am going to. I have to get into the habit of reading into the Word everyday and have quiet time with the Lord. And as time goes on peel back the layers of the old me and emerge a better testament to His greatness.
My life is for Him. Yet by all accounts I have not been doing a very good job of it.
So what I endeavour to do is to use this blog moree and more as a bridge between me and God. Try to insert God and make him an intergral part of this place. Let every word magnify and glorify Him. Let my life be an example onto others. And if through what I expound here that even one life can be changed it would not be a loss. It is not gonna be an easy ride though because there will always be skeptics and critics. And self-doubt and complacency is bound to creep in after a while. But I seek to climb Mount Zion one step at a time....
Not all about me
Strange times....
Lyn just came back from Cambodia after she was sent there for some meeting cum conference. Apparently during the R&R her bag containing all her stuff was snatched and the guy got away. She lost her mobile phone,passport,wallet and all. The sad part was how AVA did absolutely nothing to assist their staff who was stranded in some strange land, a lady nonetheless. The excuse given was that the incident happened outside of work and therefore not the liabilty of AVA. That is a caring organisation for you! Luckily for Lyn she was with Gloria so that helped her tide through the situation. Poh even flew down to give assistance. Lyn is so blessed to have someone like him.
Just a matter of days before Hasli is off to Pasir Panjang. I am already dreading life without someone to really talk to and pour my heart out to. Good friends are hard to find. Friends like Hasli are a slightly different matter altogether. I know we will still keep in touch and may even meet up from time to time, but still it is in the office situation where I will miss him most.
Noel is still down about the whole thing with Paula. It seems the deeper you delve the darker the secrets you find. All things considered Noel is still a stand up guy and is someone most girls would love, though not necessarily bring home to see their parents. Time heals all wounds and in due time Noel will be back. He tries valiantly to hide his pain, but those close to him know the personal hell he is going through.
Agnes is still at school. Still doing her piano. Still the love of my life.
My hamsters are all doing well. I especially love Mimi and Momo. Mimi is now displaying her winter coat. She looks so lovely. Just love them both to bits. The other 3 yet unnamed Sapphires are also doing well. They saw that the food stick I put in their tank was broken to bits in a matter of days. It is amazing how animals so small can store away so much food. They look hilarious with their filled cheek pouches. Jus got M&M a new Jogging Wheel. it is much bigger(Syrian Sized!) and most importantly much more quiet compared to the cheap squeaky wheel I got them initially.
Just got my Progress Package information thingy. It seems like I will be getting a grand total of......... $500.00.....
Less than I thought I would get, but I guess I fall into the middle income category. You win some, you lose some.
Gonna have to get around to doing all the stuff I have been putting off doing for so long....
finally...some closure....
I m sorry. I know i ve hurt u a lot. When i went back to u the second time,
i m really trying to get myself back into the relationship.But i failed to do
so. Thats y i left u once again. Dun think that i do not feel hurt jus because i
m the one who initiated it.I put in jus as much time and effort as u in the
relationship. Though at some point i m still thinking y u didnt attempt to win
my heart back at all,i can only conclude this is yr character and i m sure there
ii be someone out there who will be very much better than me in accepting u as
wat u r. I admit that i m a true failure in possessing this virtue,and jus got
to learn to be as strong,optimistic and gracious as u. I know talking abt it is
meaningless now.Jus to let u know,Yr new relationshio has already been made
known to me. You'll have my blessings. Isnt that what u want me to think love is
all abt... Take care.
~ ~ since 19th December 2008 ~~
~ ~ since 16 June 2007 ~ ~
~ ~ since 19 February 2005 ~ ~
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Nat's Picture Page
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Blog Madness:
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Jade Underground
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Negativities of a Chronically Vulgar Girl
Mic's Life
Iz Reloaded
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Angel of Night
If I Could Only See
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Fifth Annual Weblog Awards
Chase me ladies, I'm in the cavalry
Going[Wild] & Glowing[Charm]
Pei Yun
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Let Love lead the Way
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