I am going to K.L.!
I will be going to Kuala Lumpur from Monday till Wednesday. It will be a good opportunity (sidenote: is there such a thing as a bad opportunity in the first place?) to kick back and relax, soak up some sunrays (if the weather holds) and have some fun. Due to recent developments we will be taking a flight out of Changi International Airport and not out of Senai Airport (doing our part to help boost Singapore’s economy and improve growth expectations) as previously thought. We will probably shop and re-visit Sunway Lagoon (oh....the memories...).....taste all the nightlife that the capital has to offer and just go mad-cow crazy. Parental supervision has been advised .....and has been totally ignored.
Good old Nad's is back in the Land and she is a missin' her Muffin. Probably meet up with her when I get back for some serious bitchin' and scrathin'....
And tomorrow is Sunday.......hee hee hee.....*devious smile*......(sms'es someone)......