Why do I blog?
Well... honestly it was Nadia that sort of inspired me to do it. She had a blog and I thought it was cool to have a blog too. I love writing and I was badly in need of a way to express myself. I was in a relationship where communication was a problem. I had so much to say and no one I could really share it ALL with. A blog just seemed like a good avenue to focus my energies and to maybe somehow say all the things I wanted to say to no one in particular.
Of course the blog was also diarist in nature for the most part. In my blog I talked about where I went and what I did whilst I was there . It also contained excerpts of my life. Be it pictures, lyrics or even music videos. Just stuff that mattered to me for some reason or another.
So what started out as my refuge from my daily existence evolved into an online journal..and now it has become just a toy. Where I write stuff, rave about Agnes and give my point of view on anything that catches my eye.
So why do I blog?
answer: No idea. But I will keep on doing it. I guess blogging is more fun when you can bitch about stuff. Negativity is always a good source of inspiration . Agnes is so perfect makes blogging almost redundant. So much so I have to be an ass just to have material to blog.