There has been a backlash of sorts lately regarding Xiaxue's new found fame and all that entails. Seems like the general consensus is that she is letting the fame get to her head and getting a little too big for her shoes. Her recent article about the guy who got killed whilst trying to retrieve his shoe a case in point. It was kinda harsh and made light of a tragedy. I am all for discussing current events in blogs as I do at times. But as Uncle Ben once expounded,"With great power comes great responsiblity.." . With her burgeoning readership Xiaxue should be more responsible in what she says because lots of lunatics actually 'worship the ground she walks on'. It seems she attracts a rabid fanbase which defends her every word and action and flame anyone who voices dissent. Very diva like that ,leh.
My rant here is not so much Xiaxue but the morons who go around treating her every word as gospel. Please go get a life and actually have a grasp of the issue being discussed before running off to give your 2 cents worth on it. You make yourself and Xiaxue look like wankers(if she actually had a dick that is).
It is Agnes birthday today. I am kinda in a conundrum now. Agnes is not the sort for elaborate and grandiose celebrations. Or so she says. I guess the main issue here is the moolah involved. But thing is I love pampering her and doing stuff for her. So I got to somehow find ways to make her birthday memorable without having to spend lots of money. Old habits die hard. Maybe I can get my creative juices flowing and rack my brains for economical solutions to this. There is lotsa stuff we can do without having to spend a bundle. Just that it does not feel very birthday-worthy to spend nothing. But in the end it is the thought that counts or so they tell me.
Me thinking of changing my phone. yes...again. It has been like what....5 months since I changed my phone. 5 months. An eternity in phone-terms. Actually there is not much wrong with my motorola e680, just that there is always a tendency to want to upgrade. New phones come out all the time. Newer, bigger,better,nicer phones. Just food for thought.
New star wars episode 3 toys are out. gonna go check em out soon. I am a freak for collectibles especially star wars and wrestling toys. Woo-hoo...
The latest in the Star Wars saga comes out on May 19. I am all pumped up for it. Gonna rally the troops and go catch it on premiere day in one of them cinemas in town . All the teasers and trailers just makes me so primed. Oh god! More than a month away still. *pouts* Meantime I will that placate myself with the cool episode III wallpapers on my desktop. *wringing hands*
Been kinda taken aback that someone I am close to would treat the girl I love with such disdain. You make your bed, you sleep in it. Not only that, it has come to my attention that she has also been making less than favorable comments about our relationship behind our backs. Kinda ironic. I guess they deserve each other. Birds of a feather flock together. Scum sinks to the bottom. Shit floats to the top. Nuff' said.
Got some flak from the others for not attending their Seoul Garden dinner treat at Causeway Point. I had already made plans for Friday anyway. And Seoul Garden is not a place I especially enjoy going to. Did not sit right to go especially since it was Ko Koh's treat. Agnes did not feel at home to go either. Just one of those things. I follow my heart, and my heart told me not to go. Simple as that. Guess not everyone operates on the same wavelength.
On a similar note, I think I am finding myself spending more time with Agnes than all the other people in my life put together. Good for me, bad for everyone else. Seems like I am the only one not entitled to a life. I get peeved when people suggest I am spending too much time with my dearie. There are not enough hours in a day for us to spend together as it is. And I do not think this is just a phase we are going through. If I could I would spend 24 hours a day with her if that were possible. And no...I will not get sick of seeing her every living moment.
Phase 1 of my wardrobe up heaval is done. Agnes and I went to Raffles the other day and I bought...get this... a shirt! We are really on a roll now...