the lost post redux
.I had written a rather long post. But somehow it was not posted nor saved. The PC decided to close all open internet explorer windows. and all that I had typed was lost. anyway here i try to re-cap what i had written in less words:
Agnes has been unwell, me too. Hope she gets well soon .hate to see her in this state.
me gonna be on leave on 17th and 19th October. also on 1st november,the 8th and 17th. Made plans to do some stuff with Noel. Been ages since we last did anything together. Also hope to get to spend some time with my dear, Agnes, as she been busy these past weeks.
Next week also happens to be Deepavali and Hari Raya. So I dun have to work, and hopefully more importantly Agnes does not have to work too. So we can spend some much needed quality time together which we have not done lately.
I also posted a list of signs that you are getting old and need to settle down. Those came rather spontaneously, so I dun think I will be able to recreate those text again.
I also re-visited the events of last night regarding my hamster. I had brought him to a vet as I had noticed one of his legs was missing and that he had a rather large bulge in his cheek pouch. I could not bear to see him in that state for much longer so we rushed him down to the 24hr vet clinic at Mt. Pleasant. Being that it was after hours we had to pay more. In the end it turned out that the hamster had lost his limb earlier. Funny that I had not noticed it until last night. The large, extended cheek pouch was not a result of the lost limb but rather of a large stash of hamster food items hoarded therein. Being that he had lost a limb it was proving near impossible to remove those items, as hammies use their fore limbs to push out all the stuff inside. It is amazing how much stuff those little fellas can store in there. Being that he has no fore right limb he is slightly disadvantaged at feeding time and during altercations. I am deciding between caging him separately or placing him back with his mum and siblings.
ACRES is gonna set up a wildlife rescue centre at Sungei Tengah. This project is gonna cost upwards of $1 million. So ACRES is gonna need your support. If you wish to donate pls go here.
I do applaud ACRES for putting their money where their mouth is. They have in recent times been a thorn in the side of the various local zoological institutions, especially regarding the welfare of the animals which 'perform' in the various animal shows, and even more recently the brouhaha regarding the polar bears. It would indeed be ironic if they came under fire for the living conditions of the animals under their care once the rescue centre is operational.
On a lighter note, ACRES is having their Born to be Wild event at the atrium outside Plaza Singapura on the 3rd and 4th of November. You can read more about it here. Do go down to show your support.
Free to be Wild