Dust and bones
I took my off in lieu on Friday. I had a few options as to what to do with myself with the free half day. In the end I went for teh halia and some food with Hasli and Sim at Prata Point. Was kinda cool to do that.I love doing things impromptu and just hanging out with my pals.And in this case I got to do both. Sim is kinda cool in that he has a mind of his own and is honest in what he does which is refreshing compared to the crap I sometimes have to face in the office. And he sincerely wants to help and my work sphere is a better place for it. Hasli despite all his shortcomings is still someone I consider one of my better friends. But I could not help feeling that we have become what we detest mosts. The topic centered around Mrs Pay. And by actually talking about it in a coffee shop no less does that not make us a little better than her. I hope this 'gossipy/discussion' thing does not become commonplace. As much as I agree with what was said over the last couple of days I think one should never stoop to the level of ones adversary's. But I am a good one to talk based on some of the last few blog entries.
After the tea session (sounds like 3 tai tai's) I sent them back to the office. After that I took a drive to the Zoo! My spiritual home! It was a low-key visit as I did not tell anyone I was going and I went alone. My main purpose was to take photographs to add to my burgeoning picture collection. And being that it has been too long since I last went down to the zoo it was long overdue. The main attraction for me was the new Elephants of Asia exhibit which I have yet to visit since it opened up. It was nice in the sense that it reminds me of those elephant parks in Thailand which I think was the intention.
The downside to the whole day was how Joyce had been giving me the cold shoulder today,presumably for the events of last Sunday. She did not even reply my calls and SMSes. The cheek of the girl! If there is something she is upset about she should at least tell me and not handle things in this manner. It is very juvenile.