my counter on the left shows 2 weeks and 4 days to our big day!
On one hand it is so darn near, yet in a way I am prone to worry that things will not be able to fall into place before then.
as it is now, we are still distributing the invitation cards.
we are also close to confirming the lunchtime reception over at our place on the afternoon of the 19th.
have already passed agnes the stuff my parents bought for her. hope she likes it.
on the 17th we are to collect the wedding dresses.
as of this writing, my search for 'brothers' is in vain. agnes managed to get 4 sisters. I guess the guys just dun get it.
the wedding montage thing is still not being done.
the other big photo album is gonna be ready sometime this week.
things are going all pear shaped at the office.
mrs pay fell and is now out of commission for the forseable future.
ai khim is upset with someone new yet again. little wonder her high blood pressure is high.
dr ali and yvonne are more or less confirmed to leave us by next year.
cheng is gonna retire in a couple of months.
mr wee is till as 'blur' as ever despite being with us for nearly 3 months.
the bosses still suck.
all the shit in bangkok and mumbai makes me sit back and realise how fortunate we are to live in Singapore, where such chaos and terror are almost a world away.
still think the PAD are idiots. they closed 2 of the main airports. it is one thing to fight for a noble cause, yet totally another thing when you tarnish the reputation of your country and adversely affect the already fragile economy. it will takes years, if ever, for the damaged cause by all these protests to be forgotten. foreigners are leaving thailand in droves and may not return. the bloodshed has caused an untimely divide between the pro and anti government supporters at a time when the unity of the nation is most needed.
and where is the King as all this is going down? seems like he does not care...
and what about Mumbai?
was a terrible tragedy what happened. especially the death of Lo Hwei Yen, the first terror victim in our history. the main lesson stemming after the smoke has cleared was how slow to react and how ill-equipped the indian police and army was to deal with insurgents. it took nearly 10 hours for counter-terrorists to reach the hotels in mumbai from Delhi, as Mumbai has no SWAT or counter-terrorist team of it's own! by then the terrorist had already gotten stuck in. it took nearly an entire army to dislodge a dozen terrorist.
the death toll is 183 not counting the more than 300 injured. number of terrorists killed....9. and one captured.
the insurgents were better trained, better equipped and better prepared. little wonder it took so long for them to be defeated.
we caught Madagascar:Escape to Africa on Saturday. not bad at all.
we are planning to get out of the country during the Christmas weekend
here are some places we are considering:
_ Cameron Highlands
_ Bintan resorts
_ Genting/ Fraser's Hill / Bukit Tinggi
_ Malacca
_ Hong Kong
_ KL
_ Kuching
_ Perth
be a pity to be away from the family during the festive season but circumstances dictate otherwise.
we will be going back up to Ipoh during the CNY holidays in january. that trip will also serve as a sort of wedding dinner II for the malaysia side of Agnes's family.