The March End
As the month ends, we look upon the upcoming month of new things and new experiences.Sin and Wong have gone over to PPWC. In their place Hasli and Wang have come over to PH. As neither of them possess a class 3 licence(or any other licence for that matter),it looks like I have to be the one going out and doing PE inspections from now on.
Yvonne also joins us. She will help to lighten the load of Ai Khim, Ko Koh and Dr Ali. Lyn also returns from her 3 month maternity leave. At the same time Mr Yong is on leave until his imminent retirement. All things being said, he was the glue that kept the various volatile elements of PRB together. Without his presence it will be interesting to see how the egos here get along. As a consequence of Mr Yong not being around, Mrs Yong (aka the Wild Bitch) will be playing a bigger part in the day to day running of the section. PRB, being the ugly step child, will probably be overturned as she seeks to mould it into her image. Gonna be interesting days ahead...
ICT from the 10th onwards. That means I have only 6 days to prepare Wang and Hasli for their work. So alot will depend on Hasli. And Ai Khim. I do not know what to expect from this ICT. A new unit and new friends to make.
Today and tomorrow will be striving to sell off the remaining hamheads.
Later we will be going to see the adoption dogs at East Coast and then catch a movie , Mr Bean's Holiday. Then maybe dinner and home for time with the bunnies.
Agnes not been well throughout this week.She should take better care of herself. Me too. I had the flu. So been feeling miserable. The medications I got also make one drowsy. But at least the runny and blocked nose is gone.
Was planning to take time off for a little holiday to take advantage of the Good Friday holidays long weekend. We both needed a well deserved break and thought of going up to Malacca or some place like that. Then it dawned upon us that we had already booked our tickets for the Phantom on the 7th which means we can't do it without having to make a quick rush up and back to make it on time. So we will enjoy ourselves in Singapore. Surely we can find worthwhile things to do. We still have a long list of To-Do things that we just cant find the time to do.
oh..and did I mention I got promoted? Ko Koh and Sin too. Think it is a just reward for all the hard work,dedication and effort we have put into our work. With this promotion I have jumped the bar(and hoops too) to a division II officer. The pay raise is meagre at best(to me). But better than nothing. At least it shows my hard work is paying off somewhat. Which makes me wonder about my plans to quit and start my own business when I seem to be doing well in my career. Just got a 1 month performance bonus. The highest amongst my group of colleagues. There is also talk about a pay increment in a couple of months time. Not sure if I should stay and enjoy these benefits, or go out and strike it on my own.
Amazing sweet the sound...that saveth a wretch like me...twas blind, but now I see...