I tried to think about what to write about:
I could write about what Agnes and I did yesterday. I could have described how we went to Chinese Gardens and took loads of nice pictures. And how we rushed home to make it on time for a dinner that never was. And how we instead had a late, late dinner at East Coast Park Food Centre. But I will not write about that. Or do a review of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Or...I could write about what we did the day before. Describing how we went to Mount Faber for dinner and how the restaurant (a bar now) had no real food. And how we later adjourned to Labrador Park and had a nice romantic dinner at Olive's restaurant. And then how we had a good walk around the Esplanade/Fullerton area before heading home.
Another thing I coulda blogged about was how Faith and I attended the last day of the Festival of Praise at the Indoor Stadium on Sunday, and how much fun it was. And how we managed to catch dinner at nearby Cosy Bay before heading home, schitzophrenic waitress and all. I coulda also discoursed about the huge queue outside the stadium when we got there, or even the comedy of errors that led up to me picking up Faith nearly 45 minutes late.
Or how I spent my saturday at work and then went home before heading to meet Agnes. How we visited her dad at the hospital and went to Funan to buy some books. Or how we ordered pizza from Canadian Pizza for dinner for the 3 of us (Noel, Agnes and myself)
Or even what happened on Friday...
or thursday...
or any other day before today....
Since I am home alone today without any dinner again, I thought I might touch upon my family and how a day is like in my household.
I mean I love how my parents allow me to do what I like most times and how they are often quite open to my views. I know alot of people would like to be in my shoes and to be able to do what they like and not really be held accountable for it. I do not have to tell them where I am or whom I am with. I do not have to ask them for dinner and they do not kick up a fuss when I do not join them for dinner.
But the flip side of this is that you have to be able to fend for yourself alot. My parents are still very mobile and have a life of their own (with the exception of the care of the cats!). So it is hardly surprising to not find them at home on most days. They are probably out having dinner or at Leo's place. Or playing chauffeur in relation to either Leo or Noel(and to a certain extent Agnes and myself). With Alden around and another on the way, you see them around the home even less.
We also have an auntie who comes around on wednesdays to do the cleaning and stuff. This helps take a load off my parents shoulders as far as the cleaning goes. But that is about the full extent of what she does around the house.
So my folks either do not cook or cook a large batch which lasts for a while (even up to a week sometimes!). So sometimes I will rush home after work to an empty house. No dinner sometimes, unless I call (read:sms) them to da bao dinner for me or I eat out myself. I have a store of instant noodles which I open out for days like this.
To a certain extent I treat my home like a hotel, where I come home mainly to watch TV, surf the net and sleep mainly. It is a lifestyle part choice and part out of neccessity. Some people wonder why I eat out so much and how I need not call back to 'inform' my folks I am not coming back for dinner.
Another aspect is how Noel's live-in girlfriend,Paula stays with us. It was kinda weird at first having her living in the same house. But as time went on we all kinda adjusted to a new 'member' to our family. It did not help that we had gossipy neighbours who gave her the evil eye and thus pressured my parents and elder bro to react somewhat negatively to the living arrangement. But Noel, Paula and I persevered and it became more of a permanent thing. I guess my endorsement(or lack thereof) of any major decision around the house is often what tips the balance most times. My parents think I am the most grounded and intelligent *cough* one. So they often refer contentious issues to me to mediate,especially when it comes to Noel. Noel and I have a special bond and I am about the only one whom he is willing to share anything. Hence my parents channel through me when they are unable to get through to Noel.
On the flip side, my relationship with Leo is rather strained. He and I have not been on talking terms for a few years now. We are cordial with each other but to me I I do not treat him like my brother,let alone an elder brother. I do not want to go into all the reasons and the history behing our bad blood. It does not help any how much my mum adores him and how Leo constantly disrespects my dad.
Another feature of the Cornelia ,(the name of our house), are the myriad pets. The cats and all their distinctive personalities. Monk the 'manja' one. UJ the stupid,oblivious one. Nico the aloof,skinny skank. Poison the naughty and overly touchy-feely one. Halia the aggressive, distant one who refuse to be domesticated. The dogs. Camou and his insurmountable will to live despite all odds. Beethooven and his reclusive personality except at food time.
Our immediate neighbours are a story unto themselves too. Family feuds/ broken pots/ smashed car windscreens/ vulgar letters/ regular visits from the local police/ mediation from our MP/ the SPCA, ACRES and AVA called in/ fines by the BSA/dead animals/hospitalisations/ mad hysterics...
You name it, we have it! Just another day on Casuarina Road.
Ummm...and that is about it...for now...