Agnes went for her much awaited interview. As it turned out it was for a temporary post for 1 year. It seems that HSA is only recruiting staff on a contract basis, with contracts from a year onwards. Also Agnes seemed to have picked up a vibe that that they are rather unsupportive of pregnancy and mothers is not in general. After all the effort and time taken to prepare the interview lasted not more than 10 minutes. All in all, Agnes is hoping not to get the job due to the above reasons.
Lyn has resigned from her post. Her last day is 31st October, Halloween and also someone specials birthday from what I gather. Gonna miss having her around. But it is all for the best really. She has not been as industrious since she returned from her maternity leave. Her lack of enthusiasm, displayed by her frequent MC's and urgent leave , was obvious. Her hubby, the nefarious Yew Kwang, is doing well in his career and earns enough for both their keep. So they should be quite alright on a single income from what I surmise.
Ant has not updated her blog in ages. She must be really, really busy doing God knows what...
A new member to the Sunny Clan.... Stitch!! Every bit as cute as Eggy yet so different. Eggy is a sunshine boy with an ever-present smile all the day long, Stitch on the other hand looks so sad and forlorn, yet he has a heart of gold to be sure.
Still looking for more quotations for the house renovations. Did an online request with U-Home, but ends up I still have to go down another day to talk to them. Which really defeats the purpose actually. I figure it is still a good way to get customer details without actually having to do any legwork. I also plan to go down to Singapore Expo tomorrow. There is a Home & Design Fair on which ends on Sunday. There should be lots of home ideas, furniture,furnishings and interior designers on show. AND WE STILL HAVE TO GO LOOK FOR LIGHTS AND FANS before the contractors move in to work. Saw several potential ones in the Balestier and Geylang areas. Of course there is always IKEA for the lighting aspect, and lots of other places. Jeremy will also pass me the contact of a contractor he and several other members swear by. Worth looking into if he is half as good as they say he is. On another note, Dr Ali has been offering dollops of unsolicited advice on how to do up the house. He says we are better off sourcing for our own air-con with installation than getting the potential contractor to do it. He believes we can save up to $900 if we go it ourselves.
The Wild Bitch has been around sembawang almost everyday. The reason? Because she has a puppy in quarantine next door at SAQS. So we have been duly informed to fully expect her to come around regularly for the next month or so.
Noel and his (much) better half have been playing Scrabble lots lately. I guess it is addictive in a way so can hardly blame them for it. A good way to have fun and learn at the same time. Maybe schools should incorporate Scrabble into the curriculum.
Plan to go to the Chinese Gardens next week to catch the annual lantern festival. Think we have gone twice before.
Tuesday was the sixth anniversary of one of the darkest days in recent human memory, the attacks by terrorists on the heart of the free world. They managed to down the iconic twin towers and inflict substantial damage on the Pentagon. It was one of those where-were-you-when-it-happened events that will forever be etched in our collective memories. On that one day, those heinous actions set of a chain reaction of responses which we are still paying the price for today. And we do not seem any closer now then we were then to eradicating the scourge of terrorism.
The founder and CEO of Body Shop, Anita Roddick, died of massive hemorrhage at age 64 as a result of contracting Hepatitis C after receiving infected blood during a blood transfusion during pregnancy. She will be missed. Her vision and heart will be remembered by all. Her enterprise should be a role model for all businesses in how to turn a profit whilst still being friendly to the environment and serving the community.
Earthquakes hit parts of Sumatra. The tremors were even felt here in not so sunny Singapore. The first one was a whopper at 8.9 on the Richter scale. Thankfully no tsunami resulted despite the tsunami warnings following every hit. The after-shocks were not too tame also,ranging from 4.9 to 7.8 on the scale. Hopefully nothing on the scale of Boxing Day of '04 occurs.
And not so coincidentally the day the earthquake hit also happened to be the Jewish Feasts of Rosh Hashanah. Funny how so many so-called natural disasters (or otherwise) seem to occur round and about Jewish holy days. Guess some higher authority seems hell-bent on making his presence known.
Oh...and glorious news. NCC will be moving in due time to a spanking new building, One North. With that it will then be able to house up to 5000 people in our new cavernous auditorium! With the explosive growth in church numbers it was only inevitable that we would have to get our own building in time. but what a great place God has bestowed upon us. As usual they will be naysayers to everything that NCC does. but as with everything that came before, If God be for Us, Who Can be Against Us? This subject deserves its own post and I will do so over the weekend.
Wonder if Agnes will come over tomorrow to the new house. Be cool...after all the setting up and preparations I done in the last few weeks, sad that the only person to see it is me and myself. :(
Tomorrow I will seek to sweep and mop the kitchen floor. Then Agnes and I can use that space for studying or whatever.
Another movie I want to catch soon is ....
As anyone who knows a little about us, we will watch just about anything with animals in it. Too bad we do not do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel.
saw a solar powered device that keeps the car cool on sunny days. wonder how worthwhile it would be to invest in one. Costs $39. If I were to ask Agnes she would probably be against the idea of 'spending money'...'must save'. Speaking of which I saw an air-conditioner seat for sale at Cash Converter a while back. How cool is that?
I guess some things only a fellow driver would understand.