Been kind of strange since I last blogged.
Lynn and Leo been having their usual quarrels. But this time things went a little too far and the police had to be called This is not the first time such things has occurred. But that Lynn was arrested and jailed means that she now has a criminal record. I do not think that things will ever be the same between them after this. Lynn threatened to jump from her flat with the 2 kids,Alden and Andre. Knowing her those are not words to be taken lightly. For Leo's part he is understandably depressed fter all that transpired as anyone in his shoes would be. He has been denied access to his kids by Lynn since all this started. Naturally lines hve been drawn in the sand between her and her folks and Leo's side of things.
Leo and I have not seen eye to eye for years, but still I feel for his in this situation. He is no angel himself, but there has to be a better way for this whole standoff to end.
For my part I been on leave the last few days. Agnes been bugging me to look for some part-time courses and hopefully spend my time fruitfully when her term starts. Instead I have spent my leave time doing stuff that I do not normally get an opportunity to do. Been ges since I last had a decent break from the office. In fact Hasli has reminded me many a time that he has not seen me on any extended leave or vacation since he joined AVA. I spent time running my errands and just basically rotting away in my room. Managed to pick up my dearie from home to work. Met her after work lso for some exercise and dinner. Cleaned out Sunny's boot. Cleared some of the mess in my room. Went to JB today also. Re-visted the Johor Zoo. Funny how things stand still. I only have vague memories of the last time I was there. Think I was in primary school at the time. Looks pretty much the same as it was back in the day.After the zoo searched in vain for the sultan's museum which I did not visit in the end s I would only have less than an hour. Will hold off till next time. After that I basically drove round and about JB until I stopped by the Giant Hypermart in Tampoi for a meal and some shopping. Bought a car anti-theft device,a tool box, some nails and a couple of tubes of shuttlecocks all for less than RM 50. Later in the evening I went with Noel and Leonard to the NTUC at Ang Mo Kio to buy some stuff for dinner tonight. And here I am at home now. Noel, Paula and Leo are back in the kitchen preparing dinner. I am just waiting here at my laptop for dinner to be served.
PC been ging me problems again. Probably been infected by some virus making it slow to start up and run. Gonna have to send it down for repairs sooner rather than later. Gonna take some getting used to doing my stuff from this laptop. I am so used to doing my stuff from my desktop. Even the keys spcing and ll are different from previously. I am probably gonna get myself a new notebook soon. Already backed up most of my data from my PC for the impending repairs and upgrade in the coming weeks.
It is already that time of year when bonuses are given out and Sunny needs to get his stuff done (read: vehicle inspection,insurance and road tax). A task made more tedious with having to deal with Catherine,my mum and dads 'good friend' who is such a bitch that I do not know where to start with her. She is rude,arrogant and inconsiderate. And that is just her good side. In fact I have many bad experiences with such insurance agents. I do not know what it is about such people that always get them on my bad side. The only 'good' agent I can ever count on knowing is Jamerson. Otherwise, all the rest have been quite hair-pulling.
I am on leave next week also. Been planning to take an overnighter in KL. Probably gonna drive up in the moring and then go to Bukit Tinggi first and then later KL city. Probably settle in for the night and then do more exploring the next day before heading back to Singpore. Gonna be a fun trip. Too bad I will have to go it alone this time. But that is part of the allure also.
Am also planning a trip with Agnes round about the christmas break. Hopefully that comes to pass and then I will be a happy camper.
Bought a wireless connector for my lappy(and any other computer I may use) and an external hard disk drive for which to back up all my valuable data. The wireless connector works a treat and I wonder why I did not think of it sooner. The maxonline modem I am currently using seems to have reached its sell-by date so I probably gonna have to get a new one.
Shopping List
new notebook
new cable modem
Once more my fish seem to be slowly but surely dying. No idea why. I guess it is just one of those inexplicable things. No matter what I do they still meet the same fate. make you think if it is worth it having a fish tank after all the hassle and heartache.
I will probably let this bunch die a natural death and stop buying anymore new stuff or fish. Knowing them though, this present bunch will probably live to a ripe old age and I will soon forget my pledge not to buy any new ones by then.
Flu season is here. And I have already gotten my first bout of the sniffles. Not a good thing as it usually ends up with me having asthma again if it is a bad infection. All I can do at this point is wait and see. Taken some cough and flu medication. making me drowsy. But it will soon pass...