Fun by Sponge Bob Squarepants & Friends
Due to (un)popular demand here are the lyrics to the song you hear each time you load up this page. These are the lyrics as I heard them:
It's not about winning,it's about fun...
What's that?
Fun is when you.. fun is.. is's kinda...sorta like.. what is fun?
Let me spell it for you...
F is Friends who do stuff together
U is for U and me
N is for Ny-where and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea
F is for fire that burns down the whole town
U is for Uranium...bombs!
N is for no survivors, when you...
Quieten down! Those things are not fun is all about!!
Now do it like this...
F is for Friends who do stuff...
Never! That is completely idiotic.
Here...let me help you...
F is Friends who do stuff together
U is for U and me..Try it...
N is for Ny-where and anytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea
Wait, I don't understand this, I feel all tingly inside. Can we stop?
No...that is how you are supposed to feel.
Well, I like it.Let's do it again...
F is for Frolic through all the flowers
U is for Ukelele
N is for Nose sticking cherries on the side, licking here with my best buddy
Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha haa
ha ha ha ha ha haa
Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha haa
ha ha ha ha ha haa
and the spanish(I think)snippet version of the same song: