testing if the new comments function works....

Been on course the last couple of days at IPAM. Being that NUS and IPAM are in close proximity,I have been able to pick Agnes from home and send her to school. Too bad it rained and drizzled almost all day. That resulted in traffic jams from home to Bedok on Wednesday. Then today almost every expressway was jammed. It took me 2 and a half hrs to get from home to IPAM. Was late by nearly an hour. Thankfully I was not the only one. There were a couple of others who arrived shortly before me.
Jewel Box replied my complaint to them.
Dear Mr Leon Boyd,
We refer to your email of 23 February 2007. We thank you for taking time to provide us your valuable feedback.
Please accept our sincere apology for the lapse in our service. The necessary actions have been taken to ensure that such incidents will not happen again.
Although we will never compromise on service standard we sincerely apologize for our failure during your dinner on Valentine's Day. We don't want to lose your confidence in us and hope you would not let the recent visit do so.
It is feedback like yours that helps us to identify those areas of shortfalls so that we could improve our service further.
We look forward to serve you again at The Jewel Box, and please do give us a chance to do so to serve you better.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Faith Wang
Asst Operations Manager
Mount Faber Leisure Group Pte. Ltd. 197000546C
109 Mount Faber Road
The Jewel Box
Singapore 099203
Tel: 96340880/ 63779669
The new Supermarket near our house has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.
Dad is still in the hospital. I was expecting him to be out by saturday, but it was not to be. Still have some test to be done. and maybe tomorrow...
"Do you think I look fat?"I have more or less soft sold the idea of my impending resignation to some of my colleagues. They are understandably sad but they gave me their blessings.
"Do you love me?"
"Do you think we are compatible?"
Been thinking that a china-made car may not be that bad after all. Cheaper and just as good as some of the korean and japanese models out there. Good fuel economy too.Chery's? Naza's? Geely's?
.Things to be done this week:
Saturday, 3rd March 2007
Cover Singapore With Prayer
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